Describe in detail the cellular orgnization and divison of labour in organisms


In living organisms the cells organize in there ways to make the bodies of organisms.

Some cells make unicellular organization in unicellular organisms,which are made up of one cell only. Such as Amoeba, Paramecium and Euglena, etc.






Some cells make colonial organization in colonial organisms. In colonial type of cellular organization many unicellular organisms live together but do not have any divison of labour among them. Each unicellular organisms in a colony lives its own life and does not depend on other cells for its vital requirements. volvox is alga found in water that shows colonial organization. Hundreds of volvox cells make a colony.Sometimes a volovox colony consists of daughter colonies. Each cell of the colony has two flagella at the anterior end, which is directed towards the surface of the colony. The colony moves in water by the combined action of the flagella of all the cells

Cells make multicellular organization in multicellular organisms. In multicellular organization cells are organized in the porm of tissue,organs and organ systems. They show divison of labour.

Mustard plant

(scientific name: Brassica campestris)

mustrad plant in sown in winter and it produces seeds at the end of winter. The plant body is used as vegetables and its seeds are used for extracting oil.The organs of the body can be divided into two groups on the basis of their function.Root,stem,branches and leaves are the vagetative organs, which do not take part in the sexual reproduction of the plant. Flowers are the reproductive parts of the plant because they take part in sexual reproduction and produce fruits and seeds.


(scientific name:Rana tigrina)

frog also shows the multicellular organization.The body is make of organ systems and each organ system consists of related organs. All the organs are made of specific tissue (epithelial, glandular,, muscular, nervous etc). Some organs and organ systems of frog have been describe in the practical activity given next.

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