Give points to advocates that biology is linked with physics.

Give points to advocates that biology is linked with physics.

Give points to advocates that biology is linked with physics.

Relationship of biology other sciences

The interrelationship among different branches of science cannot be denied. Biology include information on various aspects of living things but this information relate to the other branches of science as well. Each branch of science has relationships with all other branches.

  1. Biophysics
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Biomathematics 
  4. Biogeography
  5. Bioeconomics

  • Biophysics
It deals with the study of the principles of physics, which are applicable to biological phenomena. For example there is a similarity between the working principle of lever in physics and limbs of animals in biology.

  • Biochemistry

It deals with the study of the chemistry of different compounds and processes occurring in living organisms. For example the study of basic metabolisms of photosynthesis and respiration involves the knowledge of chemistry.

  • Biomathematics 

It deals with the study of biological processes using mathematical techniques and tools. It has both practical and theoretical applications in biological research. For axample to analyze the data gathered after experimental work, biologists have to apply the rules of mathematics.

  • Biogeography

It studies the occurrence and distribution of different species of living organisms in different geographical regions of the world. It applies the knowledge of the characteristics of particular geographical regions to determine the characteristics of living organisms found there.

  • Bioeconomics

It studies the organisms from economical point of view. It includes the study of the cost effectiveness and visbility of biological projects. For example the cost value and profit value of the yield of wheat can be calculated through bioeconomics and benefitd or losses can be determined.

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