Write The Branches Of Biology And Studies These Deal With.

Write The Branches Of Biology And Studies These Deal With.

Write The Branches Of Biology And Studies These Deal With.


It becomes necessary to divide biology into a number of branches to handle volume of information. Nom it is convenient to study all the aspects of life.

Some of these branches are defined here.

  1. Morphology                           
  2. Histology 
  3. Cell biology 
  4. Physiology 
  5. Molecular biology
  6.  Genetics
  7. Embryology
  8. Taxonomy
  9. Palaeontology
  10. Environmental biology
  11. Parasitology
  12. Socio biology
  13. biotechnology
  14. Immunology
  15. Entomology
  16. Pharmacology 

Write The Branches Of Biology And Studies These Deal With.

  • Morphology

This branch deals with the study of the structures of living organisms. The study of internal structure is called anatomy.

  • Histology

The microscopic study of tissues is called histology.

  • Cell biology

The study of the structures and function of cells and cell organelles is called cell biology. This branch also deals with the study of cell division.

  • Physiology
This branch deals with the study of the function of diferent parts of living organisms.

  • Molecular biology (biochemistry)

This branch deals with the study of the molecules of life; water, proteins, carbohydrates, lirids and nucleic acids. The study of the biochemical reaction occurring in organisms is also included in this branch.

  • Genetics

It is the study of inheritance. inheritance mens the transmission of characters from one jeneration to the other. genetics provides important tools in the investigation of the structure and function of genes.

  • Embryology

It is the study of the developmant of a new individual differentiation, and morphogenesis (the process that give rise to tissues and organs.

  • Taxonomy

It is the study of the naming and classification of organisms into groups and subgroups.

  • Palaeontology
Itis the study of fossils,  which are the remains of extinct orgnisms. palaeontologists study the age the structure of fossils and on this bassic study the process of evolution

  • Environmental biology 

it deals whit the study of the interactions that exist between the organisms and their environment. all living and non - living factors that surround an or ganism, contitute its enviroment. communal life means interactions within community, while community is defined as organisms of all species living in a particullar habitat at a particullar time human population growth, infectious diseases, addictive drugs, and environmental pollution are the major biological issues today.

  • parasitology

This branch deals with the study of parasites. parasites are the organisms that take food and shelter from living hosts and, in return harm their (hosts) lives. The structure,habitats, mode of transmission, life histories and host-parasite relationships are studied inparasitology

  • Socio biology

This branch deals with the study of social behaviour and communal life of living organisms.

  • Biotechnology

The term biotechnology is only used when microorganisms, plants or animals are used to produce something other than food. So use of farm animals and crops for milk, meat, eggs and cereals is not include in biotechnology. Biotechnology means the practical application of the knowledge about living organisms to carry out processes, which make substances for the welfare of mankind e.g. disinfection and preservation of food, preparation of insulin, biogas etc.

  • Immunology

It is the study of the immune system of animals, which defends the body against invading microbes.

  • Entomology

It is the study of insects. Entomologists study the general characteristics and life cycles of beneficial and harmful insects

  • Pharrmacology

It is the study of drugs and their effects on the systems of human dody.

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