BIOLOGY Introduction Dfine The Following Terms in Science

BIOLOGY Introduction Dfine The Following Terms in Science

BIOLOGY Introduction Dfine The Following Terms in Science 

Dfine the following terms
  1. Science
  2. Life

  • Science
in order to understand the priciples of nature  which are beautiful order and coordinated in its activities, observation are made experiments are done and logical conclusions are drawn. Such studis are called science. Inancient times, the scientific information was not classified into different branches, as it exists today. All the scientific information was included under one head i.e. 'science'. With the passage of time scientific information increased into different branches like, biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics,etc.

  • Life
It has always been a difficult task to define life. Biologists define life as a set of characterisyics that distinguish living things from non-living. All of these characteristics are found in each living thing, which is called an 'organism'.

  • Define Biology
The word "biology" has been derived from two Greek words:
"Logos"meaning'thoughts or reasoning'.
Biology is the scientific study of life or living organisms. Though this study, the scientific (biologists) do their best to understand, explain, intergrate  describe the world of living things. Biology is the sum of human knowledge about life.

In the course of biology we will study:

  • How man has thought about living things.
  • How to understand and appreciate nature.
  • The structure, functions and related aspects of living organisms.
  • Information and remedies to human problem regarding health, food, environment etc.
Groups of organisms

We are familiar with the divison of living organisms into different groups.

  • prokaryotes
The unicellular organisms that do not have distinct nucleus are grouped as prokaryotes; for example bacteria.

  • Protists 
The unicellular are simple multicellular organisms with distinct nuclei are called protists e.g. euglena, paramecium, green allgae etc.

  • Fungi
Fungi e.g. mushrooms are multicellular, heterotrophic and absorptive in their mode of nutrition.

  • Plants
Plants e.g. mustard are multicellular autotrophic organisms that develop from embryos.

  • Animals
Animals e.g from are multicellular heterotrophic organisms that ingest food.

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